A real sense of community is building at Hobsonville Point, as more homes are finished, more residents move in and the suburb continues to grow in size.
New and existing residents alike are rising to the challenge to meet their neighbours, with a number of spontaneous community barbeques and events being held throughout the area. Pocket park meet and greets, a Christmas in the Park celebration (complete with a visit from Santa) and even group house tours have been springing up across the suburb as people form new connections with others in the community.
Meteor Street residents, Clive and Helen Ellis, hosted a barbeque at their home earlier this year.
“The ‘even’ side of Meteor Street had been finished for a year and we all knew each other,” Helen says. “So when the ‘odd’ side was finished around Christmas we thought it would be nice to get to know our new neighbours and make them feel welcome. We knocked on most doors and had a lovely welcome and also put flyers in letterboxes. Those that could come thoroughly enjoyed themselves and we all definitely feel more connected now.”