Students at Hobsonville Point Primary are set to go out in style as they plan a celebration quite unlike any other for their final year at the school.
“We wanted to go out with a bang and do something huge,” say the students. “We thought about a camp but our Principal, Daniel Birch, challenged us to think bigger. We’re all interested in the environment and thought we could tie that in with some fun at a theme park so we asked if the Gold Coast would be an option. It has a great environmental programme for its waterways and theme parks too.”
With Daniel’s encouragement, the students are now planning their dream trip. They have developed an application system, with students who are interested each submitting a written application.
They are also busy raising funds through sausage sizzles and a quiz night.
“We want the quiz night to be a huge community event that allows us to have fun and create a sense of community too,” say the students. “We’ve been writing to lots of local businesses to help with prizes and the donation of goods or services. In return we’ll be advertising these businesses in our newsletter, on flyers and on the night.”
The quiz will be on Saturday 3 September from 6.30pm with tickets available for $10. There will be a free supper and nibbles, and great prizes and raffles available on the night. Book your tickets here:
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