Universal Homes has released another 5 Axis Series homes:

3 x 1 bedroom homes for $450,000

2 x 2 bedroom homes for $500,000

These homes are located in the Buckley B precinct (superlot BB4).

The Axis Series balloting application process has recently changed. Please visit www.axisseries.co.nz/how-to-buy/ for more information on the purchasing criteria and how to enter a ballot.

Entries for the ballot close at 4pm on Sunday 23 July 2017, with the ballot being held on Monday 24 July 2017.

To learn more about these homes please visit the Universal Homes showhomes at Hobsonville Point or contact:

Steve Lindsay – stevel@universal.co.nz , 021 963 978

Lisa Fleming – lisaf@universal.co.nz; 021 679 674