Meet the team behind Hobsonville Point

The project is being run by Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities. We’re leading the largest urban regeneration programme in New Zealand’s history. We use our country’s precious land well, deliver quality homes quickly and build communities with a sense of belonging.

Our Projects

Hobsonville Point

Hobsonville Point in Auckland's Northwest is being developed on the site of a former Air Force base. The township will be completed in 2024, at which point it will be home to 11,000 Aucklanders. Housing is at a higher density than has been normal for a suburban setting in Auckland. The high quality of the homes and amenity has made it an exemplar of integrated residential development in New Zealand.

Northcote Development

Over the next five years, the Northcote Development will bring new homes and amenity to Northcote. Around 300 social houses built in the 1950s and 60s will be replaced by 1,500 warm, healthy homes designed for modern living. Four hundred of those new homes will be retained by Kāinga Ora for families in need. The rest will be offered to first time buyers and to the general market, with a focus on affordability.

Oranga Development

Early planning work is underway for the Oranga Development which will bring new warm, healthy homes to Oranga. Over the next eight years, the development will see around 335 old social houses replaced with around 1,100 new homes.

Roskill Development

The Roskill Development will deliver about 10,000 new homes to several neighbourhoods in the greater Roskill area over 10-15 years, expanding the number of state houses and delivering new market and more affordable housing. Development work has begun in the Roskill South and Ōwairaka neighbourhoods, with further neighbourhoods under consideration for the future.

Tāmaki Regeneration

We’re working alongside Tāmaki Regeneration Company to deliver New Zealand’s largest urban transformation project. The Tāmaki Regeneration will replace around 2,500 ex social houses in the suburbs of Glen Innes, Panmure and Point England to build around 10,500 new homes for Tāmaki tenants and private homeowners.

Māngere Development

The Mangere Development will deliver around 10,000 new homes to several neighbourhoods in the Mangere area over 15 years. Development work has begun in Mangere West and Aorere, with further neighbourhoods planned for the future.

Porirua Development

Over the next 25 years we will work alongside the community, the Porirua City Council and the local iwi, Ngāti Toa Rangatira, in Eastern Porirua to replace approximately 2,000 social houses with around 4,000 homes and to upgrade infrastructure and amenity. The new housing will include social, market and more affordable homes.


Porirua Porirua

Our Expertise

Click on each of our areas of expertise to learn more
  • Phase 01 Urban Design

    Urban Design

    Over the last decade Kāinga Ora’s Urban Development team has acquired expertise as a lead developer. The team is skilled in masterplanning and investing in infrastructure and community amenity alongside the building of new homes. We’ve learned a lot about building a wider range of homes, and increasing the urban density of a community while ensuring it’s a great place to live and work.
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  • Phase 02 Partnerships


    Beginning with Hobsonville Point, New Zealand’s fastest moving residential development project, our Urban Development team built a development model that allows it to work with key stakeholders including planners, urban designers, iwi, community stakeholders, and developer and builder partners to deliver high quality homes and neighbourhoods at the scale and pace needed to meet New Zealand’s housing needs.
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    Coastal Walkway Gala 2018 23
  • Phase 03 Build


    We work with our developer and builder partners to create innovative approaches to planning, design and construction that will allow us to increase the quality and speed of delivery of new homes and maintain affordability. Examples include the use of prefabrication, modular design and design controls.
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    IMG 2750 Web
  • Phase 04 Community


    Putting the community at the centre of urban development is essential for the success of our projects. Every development begins with a carefully planned programme of work to seek community input, which guides the design process and lays the foundation for each project. Our Urban Development team do this through a range of initiatives such as community reference groups, design labs, and public information days at purpose-built information centres.
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    Aoere open day
  • Phase 05 Sustainability


    The Hobsonville Point project has become a benchmark for sustainable urban development in Auckland. It demonstrates that high quality urban design and affordable housing can be compatible with a commercially-driven approach to land and property development. Kāinga Ora is maintaining the same commitment to social, economic and environmental sustainability in its new development projects.
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    Oakley Creek 35

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