The new year will herald a new look for The Landing.

The existing historic buildings and hangars have been readied for their rejuvenation, with enabling and service connection works now complete. Meanwhile developer,Willis Bond, has been progressing its architectural designs for the historic buildings and will begin construction in February. Stage one of the development comprises a mixture of hospitality, retail and commercial use. If you are interested in leasing space at The Landing, please contact

Meanwhile, the boardwalk and public deck that leads into The Landing is also rapidly taking shape. Work is underway on this path, which snakes along the coastline from what was Marine Parade, and it is hoped it will be open for use in April.

Finally, plans for a wet edge along The Landing are also progressing. A wet edge is the result of dredging, which ensures the majority of all tide water remains at the base of the sea wall and the mud flats are obscured. This initiative is currently being priced and work should start in early 2017.