Regrettably we have had to close the Seaplane Ramp to vehicles because of safety concerns. Advice from an engineer specialising in such structures has been received that the substructure of the ramp may be unsafe. As the land owner this has left us with no other option than to close the ramp to vehicles. People are still able to use the ramp to launch smaller craft that are able to be carried into the water, such as rowing skiffs and kayaks. We are in close contact with Westlake Rowers and the Hobsonville Yacht Club to manage this issue.
The next step is obtaining more detailed engineering advice, including on options for making the ramp safe. We have started briefing the engineers on this work and hope to be able to give an update in the next few weeks.
In the long term we support the construction of a new purpose built recreational boat ramp at The Landing, because the gradient and location of the seaplane ramp are not well suited for boat launching. We have started discussions with Auckland Council on funding and how this fits with the plans for the Marine Industry Precinct.
We understand that this impacts on those in the community that have used the ramp to launch boats using trailers. We wish to clarify that the closure of the ramp is in no way related to the Farmers Market relocating to The Landing. The nearest public boat ramps are at West Harbour and Greenhithe.